Warm Autumn Moments | Colleyville Family Photography

Crazy long time since I have been able to get to my blog..
if you see a hole in my front window it is because I threw my computer out.. quickly... I swear this thing will be the death of me some day!
An "invisible man" (I kept telling my little ones) has been hard at work from his desk in LA trying to get my computer to play nicely... it seems it has become a bully on my block. When I get it to play nice I get to share lovely moments like this...
a sweet moment between a son and his mama.

I so love seeing such sweet moments and getting to share them. See, they do slow down for a moment for us to get that sweet glimpse us mamas think nobody else sees!

For true giggles and tickles I love this!! What a great smile Mr. K has here as Daddy pokes his ribs!! Can't you hear his giggle??
I will be getting more up as my computer decides to play nice :)


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