thoughts on motherhood
I asked my friend Kim to give me her thoughts on motherhood and the blessings that follow. This is what she sent me.

these words could not have been any more perfect for this quick session.

This is the only job on earth that has eternal rewards….everything else will turn to dust. We are shaping and molding souls for this lifetime but most importantly for Heaven. God formed a partnership with us mothers to love, teach, nurture, discipline HIS children so they will come to know Him and follow Him. We have the most important job on this earth and what a gift is truly is … let the Holy Spirit breathe life inside of us, let him create and form his beautiful child in our womb and then let US be Christ for our children. We are His face to our children, our hands are His hands, our eyes are His eyes. “whatever you do to the least of my people you do to me.” Our children are in turn Christ for us.
I love you, Pam. You are the most joyful mother I have ever met. You are an inspiration to me!
these words could not have been any more perfect for this quick session.